The ITRC Hydrocarbon Team (Effective Application of ITRC Guidance Documents) would like to express gratitude to those who contributed and supported the development of the training materials now available. These thanks go out to (in no particular order):
State and Local Government
William Carp
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Jared Champagne
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Chris Christensen
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Dayna Cordano
California State Water Resources Control Board
Tom Fox
Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety
Debi Goodwin
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Margaret Greene
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
West Johnson
Kentucky Energy & Environment Cabinet
Kristopher McCandless
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Sara Pearson
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Claudio Sorrentino
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Richard Spiese
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Shannon Suggs
North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality
Tim Zeichert
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Federal Government
Carol Stein
USEPA – Retired
Tom Walker
Alexander Wardle
Industry Affiliates
Melissa Boysun
Kyna Christensen
WWC Engineering
Dayne Crowley
Wood PLC
Lloyd E Dunlap
Trihydro Corporation
Joann Dyson
John Fontana
Vista GeoScience
Steven Gaito
Jeff Henke
Weston Solutions, Inc.
Ian Hers
Hers Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Andrew Kirkman
Bobbi Koepke
Environmental Works
Ravi Kolhatkar
Jeffrey Kuhn
Kuhn Environmental
Matthew Lahvis
Daniel Lombardi
Diana Marquez
Burns & McDonnell
Christopher Mulry
Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc.
Rangaramanujam Muthu
Parsons Corporation
Eric Nichols
Substrata, LLC
Robert O’Neill
Brown and Caldwell
Jeff Popiel
Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc.
Lisa Reyenga
GEI Consultants, Inc.
Marwan Salameh
Laura Trozzolo